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Today, April 27th is National Teach Children To Save Day. It’s an important day to promote financial literacy and encourage children to develop good saving habits.

Bullion is an excellent tool for teaching children. By teaching children about saving and investing in precious metals, you can help them become financially responsible adults and build a brighter financial future for themselves. Plus, it’s a fun and engaging way to teach children about saving.


Teach Your Kids To Save With Bullion


Why Is Teaching Your Children To Save Important?

Saving is an essential life skill that should be taught to children from a young age. Children who learn to save and manage money wisely are more likely to become financially responsible adults.

It is essential to teach children about money management and the value of saving, which can help them achieve their financial goals in the future.



Teach Your Children to Save With Bullion

One way to teach children about saving is through bullion. Bullion is a physical form of investment that can be used to teach children about the value of tangible assets. It is a valuable tool for teaching children about the importance of saving and investing.

Investing in precious metals is also fun. It is a tangible asset they can hold and touch, making it more exciting and engaging for them. Moreover, investing in precious metals can also provide children with a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Children can learn about the different types of precious metals, such as gold and silver, and how they are used in the economy. They can also learn about the history of precious metals and how they have been used as a form of currency throughout history.


Investing In Bullion Long Term

Silver price chart

Gold price chart

Gold and silver have proven to be great investments over the past 20 years. Even during periods of market volatility, these precious metals have shown resilience and maintained their value.

If kids start investing in precious metals at a young age, they will have significant benefits later in life. Investing in precious metals at a young age can also provide children with a solid foundation for their financial future.

Investing in gold and silver is a great way to teach children about the value of saving and building wealth over time. By investing early, they have the opportunity to benefit from the long-term stability and growth potential of precious metals.


Browse Bullion


Teach Your Kids To Save With Bullion


Bleyer’ Role

At Bleyer, we understand the importance of teaching about saving and investing. Our Managing Director, Caroline, recently went to Exeter College to discuss wealth, investing, and precious metals as an asset with students.
We aspire to help young people understand the value of tangible assets and how they can be used to build wealth over time. By teaching children about bullion and investing in precious metals, we hope to inspire them to become financially responsible adults who are equipped to make informed financial decisions.


Our top tip for the students – diversify your investment portfolio and start investing as soon as possible.


Teaching children about saving and investing in precious metals can help them develop good financial habits that will last a lifetime. By starting early, children can learn how to save money, invest wisely, and build their wealth over time. They can also learn about the risks and rewards of investing, which can help them make better financial decisions in the future.

Browse Bullion


Here To Help

If you’d like to speak to a member of the team for some additional guidance, we’d be delighted to hear from you at 01769 618 618, or you can email us at, and we’ll get back to you asap.


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