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We live in an ‘instant age’. Instant messaging at the click of a button. Gone are the days of composing, hand-writing and walking to the post office to post a letter. In my opinion, that is a loss to the art and effort of expression and so much more. But, financially, living in an immediate age presents investors with both pros and cons. The downside is the debt – both material and otherwise – because it is all too easy for consumers to spend their money and time on things of little true worth.

But, if we know our own mind and are focused on what we want, the upside is the profound availability of choice and purchasing power from the comfort of our own homes. This is particularly sweet and convenient if we lead busy lives. I live in the countryside, so the ability to compare prices, across the entire world sometimes, before deciding where to invest my money, is frankly quite brilliant and saves me literally days of my week walking around shops (which I dislike).

So, the upside is we are able to make investments in under 10 minutes – sometimes very profitable, good and convenient ones. Research still remains key.

Now, what if you’ve thought “How can I invest in Gold and Silver for my loved ones?” Maybe you already own some physical yourself and would like to either introduce your loved ones to the common sense of owning some too, or you would like to leave some key investments to one or several members of your family?

Passing on value, from one generation to the next


Do you have a child, grandchild, niece, nephew, spouse, loved one or dear friend you’d like to bless with something truly thoughtful and special as an investment? You’ve thought of Gold but don’t quite know how truly quick it can be to turn this thought into action.

1. Firstly, simply decide how much you would like to invest. This may be quite an instinctual quick decision, we roughly know how much we’ve got to spare and how big or small an investment we would like to make. If you’d prefer to invest in a greater number of coins or bars, but at a lower cost, please go to the Silver section instead of Gold (see below).

2. Next, click on the Gold Coin or Gold Bar sections of the Bleyer website by hovering over the menu and selecting ‘Buy’. As a basic rule, coins tend to come in ounces – including fractions of ounces such as ¼, ½ etc – and bars tend to come in grams, although there are exceptions, and go up to much higher amounts than the coins due to size. Browse the Gold Coin section for smaller investments and prettier gifts. For larger, more practical investments head towards the bars. There are exceptions – you can find larger coins and beautifully finished petite bars.

3. Next, have the funds ready. Bleyer only deal with cleared funds but once you’re ready, it’s just a few clicks of a bank transfer to pay. Pay early enough and you’ll even receive your Gold the next day!

4. Lastly, call one of the team (01769 618618). Or, if out of office hours or you prefer online shopping, simply order via the Bleyer website. (If your purchase is over certain amounts there will be a tiny amount of paperwork to fill in which we can email to you the same day.)

Gold Investment Bullion Bars and Coins available from Bleyer's website


For the uninitiated, the price of a 1oz silver coin is much smaller than the price of Gold. This is called the Gold-to-Silver Price Ratio. Here’s an interesting fact: over the last 5 years Silver has become 45% more affordable compared to Gold. Let me expand that – 5 years ago the price of a 1oz Silver coin was about 1/50 of the price of 1oz Gold coin. Today it is 1/80 of the price. This means the price of Silver has gone down in relation to the price of Gold, even though the price of both has been pushed down over that period. When commentators say “Silver is currently on sale compared to Gold” it is this Gold-to-Silver ratio they are referring.

Some investors actually make their profit from swapping between their Gold and Silver as the ratio swings like this. That’s more for the industry big boys who own large amounts of physical Gold and Silver. But, to us as members of the public, it’s a great time to invest in Silver because of this current ratio fact.

Silver coins are extremely accessibly priced and beautiful investments for loved ones. It is so easy and quick to order these via the Bleyer website. Just click on Buy section and select Silver Bars or Silver Coins.

Silver Investment Bullion Bars and Coins available from Bleyer's website

Special Offers

It is always lovely to buy an investment for someone else while saving money ourselves – a win-win situation. So, here are some of Bleyer’s current Special Offers, which would make great investments for our loved ones in under 10 minutes. Just click the link and browse.

Special Offer Gold and Silver Investment Bullion Bars and Coins available from Bleyer's website

The Buying Process

Finally, it is possible to invest in Gold and Silver coins and bars in under 10 minutes. You must decide:

  1. How much do you want to invest?
  2. Does this amount lend itself to Gold or Silver? Or maybe you’d like both?
  3. Have the funds ready to go
  4. Call Bleyer or order online: 01769 618618, click here or email:

Please Vote for Bleyer Bullion in Bullion Directory's Bullion Dealer of the Year 2018 Awards